Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Union and West End Cemetery - Hurricane Sandy

My name is Everette H. Carr, I am presently serving as the President of the Union and West End cemetery Association. The Union and West End Cemetery was initially organized in 1854 and is located at the corner of 10th and chew Streets in Allentown, PA.

This historical cemetery in center city Allentown is 157 years old. There are more than 20,000 former citizens of Allentown buried in these hallowed grounds. There are five Veterans of the American Revolution buried in the cemetery. Numerous veterans of the War of 1812 and 714 Civil War Veterans. Veterans of the Mexican-American War, WWI, World War II, the Korean War, and the Viet Nam war.

The 714 Civil War Veterans buried in the Union and West End Cemetery comprise the largest number of civil War Veterans buried in a private cemetery in the State of Pennsylvania. This number of veterans buried in a single cemetery is second only to the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, PA. This alone, plus its age, should qualify the Union and West End Cemetery as a “National Historic Cemetery”. Yet, the cemetery does not qualify for this distinction. But this is a discussion for another day.

As you all know, Hurricane Sandy was a devastating Storm that tore across New Jersey and New York and slammed into Pennsylvania causing devastating damage. While we are sympathetic to our Pennsylvania neighbors, this is about the damage and destruction to the Union and West End Cemetery in Allentown.

View a slideshow of the destruction that Hurricane Sandy caused to the All Volunteer Non-profit cemetery. Then view a slideshow of the efforts of volunteers to deal with the damage caused to the cemetery. I assure you that you will be awed by the devastation and encouraged by the efforts of volunteers to restore the cemetery.

Please also view the slideshows of the destruction and the efforts to restore the cemetery. Click on the link below:

Union and West End Cemetery

Once on the Union and West End Cemetery Association web site, click on “Hurricane Sandy” in the left navigation bar.

I assure you won’t be disappointed for taking a few minutes of your time to view these slideshows.

While you’re on the site, click on “Donations” and help an All-Volunteer Non-Profit Cemetery servive!

Thank you for your time and attention!

Everette H. Carr, President!
Union and west end Cemetery Association

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